For all types of plumbing and drainage systems
Hydraulic (plumbing) design can cover many different services. We can provide design services for all types of plumbing and drainage systems.
Generally, the most common design services are:
- Sanitary – this is waste pipework from fixtures such as toilets, basins, sinks, showers, etc.
- Trade waste – this is waste pipework mostly from commercial businesses. It can be from food preparation areas in restaurant kitchens or mechanical parts/vehicle washing in the automotive industry.
- Hot and cold water – the pipework from street water mains or rainwater storage tanks through to hot water systems and water outlets at fixtures.
- Roof gutters and downpipes – most people would understand what roof gutters and downpipes are but sometimes these two components are not given the attention to detail they deserve. A poorly designed roof and gutter system can cause major problems through leaks and overflowing.
- Stormwater – this is the pipework generally located in ground. This pipework collects downpipes, gully pits, rainwater tank overflows, etc.
- Rain water storage tanks – tanks are a typical way of providing water on properties out of the town water area. Tanks can also be used as a water saving method on properties within the town water main system.
- Fire hydrant and hose reel systems – can be required on certain buildings. Generally as rule of thumb if the building has fire zones over 500m² in area hydrant and fire hose reels would be necessary.
- Gas services – pipework from the reticulated town system or onsite bottles to gas burners on cooking appliances, water heaters, etc.
- Onsite wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) – these are required on properties outside of the town sewerage system. There are many types of systems available but generally the treatment level goes from primary (septic tanks) through to the advanced secondary type.