We design & consult on all plumbing matters.
Latest CAD software, prepare reports & tender documents.
We can also look after all your authority applications and approvals.
Over 40 years experience in the plumbing and drainage industry gives Ian Bradford Plumbing Consultants the knowledge to help you with any consultancy needs.
Following are a few of the consultancy services we can provide:
Check site suitability
Some properties can make the installation of plumbing and drainage quite expensive e.g. drainage requires a pump to connect to the sewerage system or extensions of sewage and water mains are required for the site. A check of the property prior to purchasing or signing lease agreements could save you money later on.
Schematic design (These are useful for budgeting purpose)
A schematic design can be provided to the plumber for some budget costs.
Pre design consultation
Go through the project with the client and determine if there are any special requirements. This is performed by IBPC on all projects.
Pre purchase inspections
This can be beneficial when purchasing an existing developed property. It’s better to know prior to purchasing a property if there are any expensive plumbing issues. It can also assist in negotiating price reductions to cover rectification work.
Rectification reports
If there are problems on an existing properties we can do inspections and investigations. A report can then be prepared describing any problems found and recommendations provided on the best way to rectify found problems.
Site supervision and reports
It is a good idea on some projects to have independent inspections done on the plumbers installation work. It can be peace of mind knowing that the work is has been installed satisfactory. A written report is provided on all requested site supervision projects.
Wastewater disposal reports
Unsewered properties require on site wastewater disposal systems. Councils require a wastewater report be prepared and submitted to them for approval. The report includes the soil testing, site suitability, estimated wastewater flows, etc.